Friday, March 28, 2014

Graphing fun

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Learning how to collect data.

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Room 14

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Our Senses... TOUCH

We have been starting to explore our senses. Firstly in groups we had to sort a variety of "things" like pinecones, feathers, tinfoil etc into categories like smooth, rough etc. Then we got to touch different textures like play dough and this jelly stuff that Miss Priestley called dinosaur bogies! It was sticky, icky and gooey!! We had had a lot of fun exploring the sense of TOUCH this week!

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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

Camp out at Boulcott School

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What fun we had at Campout! 
Thanks heaps Miss Priestley for helping out so much!
Why not post a comment and tell us what your favourite 
part of Campout was!

Here are a few "Newspaper Headlines" we came up with for some of the photos above.
Maybe you have another one to add!
"Principal all wet by water balloon"
Woosh! The water gushed down onto Mr Mercer as Nephi hit the bullseye"
"A watery end to the day for Mr Mercer!"
"Splat! Principal splashed as bullseye hit"
"Campout is ready for action!"
"Miss Priestley is set for a night sleeping IN HER CLASSROOM!"
"Tents cover the Boulcott School field."

Friday, March 07, 2014

Self portraits in the making!

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Super swimming pic

We had a lot of fun creating a picture of 
ourselves at the pool.
For a while we had "headless" swimmers
until we stuck the photo of our head on!

Thursday, March 06, 2014

We're all in the BIG pool!

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Today we all went into the BIG pool! For some of us it was a first time experience so we were a little nervous but we were all incredibly brave and gave it our best!

Floating Fun and Feedback!

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Here are some quotes from Room 14 about their swimming experiences.

"Walking in the deep water was challenging," stated Harry.

"I tried holding my breath and swimming the whole way," remarked Frankie.

"It was hard for me to float on my back because I kept sinking!" complained Scarlett.

"It was a little bit hard with backstroke," exclaimed Abi.

"It was very hard in the deep pool because I couldn't touch the bottom," remarked Olivia.

"It was complicated to do more than 4 whole lengths freestyle without stops," responded Ellie.

"Backstroke was easy," Bella told us.

"It was tricky to swim half way up the deep pool," explained Eamon.