Friday, May 30, 2014

CHEER award winners

We have some fantastic cross country runners in Room 14. Congratulations to Charlie, Elli and Frankie who were all placed in the top 3 in the Year 3 races.
Congratulations to Janette, Austin and Charlie for receiving CHEER awards for his week!
Keep up the great effort everyone!

Friday, May 23, 2014

A pic collage creation to share

Eamon, Bella, Austin and Ben had fun creating this cool Pic Collage.

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A mo for all!

Lochy, James, Cairo, Michael and Emery created this Pic Collage. Don't their moustaches look wonderful!

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Sticker Fun

Look at all the fun stickers Zara, Rishma and Scarlett added to their Pic Collage.

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Another Pic Collage

This one was created by Frankie, Ellie, Harry, Maz and Janette using Pic Collage. Mrs Cody's kitten somehow sneaked into it!

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Learning to create a Pic Collage

Here is Kajal, Abi and Olivia's first creation using Pic Collage.

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Friday, May 16, 2014

Developing our netball skills

Created using Pic Collage.

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A CHEER Award for Michael

Yeah Michael! 

A CHEER award for ...

... Honesty! 

Well done!

Raising money for our school

Created using Pic Collage.

How have your chocolate sales being going! 

I hope you have been remembering your manners!

Remember there's a prize for the person who sells the most boxes... and the class who sells the most too... 
come on Room 14! 

Let's see if it can be us!

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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

We had some wonderfully creative ideas shared in our Mother's Day journal entries. 
Here is a compilation for all the mothers of Room 14! 
Feel the love!

Dear Mum
I love the way you make all my wishes come true. You make me smile. I appreciate all that you give me. I love the way you have given me life. Thank you Mum for playing with me and my lego. I love the way you smile and the twinkle in your eye. You are the best Mum because you make time for me. I like it when we play together. You tie my hair beautifully. I love you because you help me. You are precious to me. I appreciate your hard work. You are the best Mum anyone could have in the whole entire world.  Your smile is like an angel. I love you because you are loving. I love you because when I am sick you take care of me. I think you are the best Mum ever. I love it when we make pancakes together. You encourage me and I encourage you. I love the way you smile. You are like a superhero.  I love you with all my heart.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Learning to multiply and divide

Created using Pic Collage.

  • We are learning about multiplication and division. 
  • We did some sharing of a group of pompoms into cups - this is division. 
  • We also had to count how many groups of sticks were in how many cups -this is multiplying. 
  • There were lots of different stations to go to... which one was your favourite? - 
  • Why not post a comment and explain your favourite multiplying or dividing activity to everyone.

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