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Room 14 have done some amazing inquiry projects about things in the garden.
Some group comments about making our posters:
"It took a lot of knowledge and detail to make these posters but it was a lot of fun"
Frankie, Abi & Olivia
"It is good to learn about bugs"
Austin, Harry & Ben
"Everyone in our class made a bug poster which had 3 questions and a picture"
Charlie, James & Eamon
"When we first started we were looking forward to finding out more!"
Scarlett, Rishma & Janette
"It was great fun making these posters. We smiled the whole time and ended up with brilliant fun posters"
Bella, Ellie & Zara
"We made a brilliant bug poster and had to answer three questions"
Emery Cairo and Maz
Some of our most interesting discoveries we made during the inquiry process:
- Even without eyes a worm can still sense light and move away from it.
- Some female stick insects eat the males.
- A worms diet is based on where it lives.
- A tree could grow up to 320 feet high!
- Ladybugs can eat up to 5000 aphids in its lifetime!
- Worms can be really long, big and fat so it looks like a hose!
- I learnt how trees leaves change colour in autumn.
- I found out that worms aren't pink but they are red because they are red blooded.
- I found out how apple seeds grow into apples.
- Worms hide in the ground to hide from their natural predators.
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